Cesare and his art

My name is Cesare, I was born in Pesaro, in October 1954.

The years of my youth have been dedicated to the sport..

to the rowing to be a bit more specific, then, ended the high school, most of my time was spent studying medicinethinking about my family and my career.

A bad November night happened what should never happen to anyone: my first son Giacomo , passes awayat the age of 18.

Giacomo and I were used to make little drawings by pencil , particularly at the moment of speaking on the phone. They were subtle grahics,straight lines drawn free hand, building sort of labirinths on the paper. A few time after his death I feel a strange ,strong energy pushing me down the chair,taking my hand and leading the pen on the white paper. That's the beginning.

Since this moment I dedicated lot of my spare time to this new world of art. I made some exhibition, most fo them in Pesaro, always for charity: for healing kids who accidentally drinked caustic soda in Sierra Leone, or for the costruction of wells in Ethiopia.

Now I am in retirement,I have hundreds ofmessages I would like to share with you all,because for me, what I do is communication

communication between my son and me, me and you, for continuing spreading a light in the middle of so much dark and to be able of collaborating with people who everyday work for giving hope to those of us who do no have had the same luck.

artistic path

As said, my artistic side starts growing few years after my son's passing, at the end of 2000.

Beginning of 2003 I organise my first exhibition of paintings at the small art gallery "Il collezionista" in Fano and in Pesaro, at the "Louvre 44".

The following year 2 more exhibition,in 2004, in Pesaroat the hall "San Domenico" then another art gallery in Pesaro called "La Pergola “.

In 2006 the first exhibition at Palazzo Gradari and in 2007 a collective exhibition together with Gianfranco Gabucci, at the ex church Sant'Arcangelo, in the city centre of Fano.

In 2011 we organise another wonderful exhibition for collecting funds for a friend and great person, Danilo Baroncini, grastroenterologist doctor who founded his organization Alimamy that used to operate in Sierra Leone for healing children who accidentally used to drink caustic soda from plastic bottles.  

Ater a break due to many personal issues, we tried exploring new territories and so in 2017 has been organised a new exhibition in Arezzo and in 2018 I decide to show some artworks to Galleria Mentana in Florence and now we are trying by this website to sell paintings and collect money through online exhibition and to give new birth to our onlus "Giacomo, un dono per gli altri", fell in disuse for a too long time.

Comincia da qui a curiosare.. stampe o quadri?